Tuesday, 4 October 2011

At the foot of the cross

Was catching up on Andrew Clark's blog today and came across a post where he mentions installing a mercy seat in his house. For those of you who don't have any experience of The Salvation Army, the Mercy Seat (named after an aspect of the Ark of the Covenant) is a public place of prayer where Salvationists have traditionally made their covenants and had some of their most powerful encounters with God.

Now personally the thought of having a mercy eat in my house seems a little strange, although I do miss it's focus when I'm at other churches. However, it led me on a train of thought about kneeling at the foot of the cross. You see, you kneel or stand in front of the mercy seat.

Anyway, long story short I was reminded of these words and wanted to share them with you all. It makes me ask myself, do I kneel at the cross enough? Do I humble myself before God and before my peers often enough, or have I elevated my own position?

At the foot of the cross - One Hundred Hours

At the foot of the cross,
where I kneel in adoration
And I lay my burdens down
I exchange all my sin
for the promise of salvation
And Your name across my brow

At the foot of the cross,
I give up my vain ambition
And I leave my selfish pride
In the peace that is there,
will You restore my vision?
In all the places I am blind

I will wait here at the cross
I will wait here at the cross
I will wait here at the cross
I will wait here at the cross

At the foot of the cross
there is healing for this nation
There is rest for those who wait
And the love that we find
is the hope of all creation
We are stunned by what You gave

We will wait here at the cross
We will wait here at the cross
We will wait here at the cross
We will wait here at the cross

We will wait at the cross,
a hungry generation
With our broken hearts and lives
Will You hear? Will You come?
Will You fill our desperation?
Oh God let this be the time

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